Sunday, April 13, 2008

Flower Day

So, after another week at sea, and a duty Saturday, today is a spring Sunday. After a delicious breakfast at ihop, we decided to get our gardens in gear. I was getting frustrated with spring sprung all over the place and nothing but dirt and weeds outside my window. So off to McDonalds Nursery we went. Let just say we needed two carts to get out of there. But I got my herbs, flowers and such. Then on the way home we stopped at Home Depot to get some dirt and got a couple of more plants. A beautiful Boston Fern to take the place of the bird feeder for the summer, and I got some azaleas for the back yard. Lots of perennials. Now that we have the porch railing up the plants should be more resilliant... no canine piggies stomping them into the ground.

I was messing around with my camera last week, trying my hand at some Macro. It is more difficult to get the focus clear than I thought it would be! I was using the lens T got me for my birthday. Here's what I managed to produce:

Plus a couple fun ones of the meat-heads:

Hopefully the grass will start to grow back in - after the drought last year and the dogs loosing their damn minds every time someone walks by, it's been difficult to get it to grow. I think maybe we should just concrete the whole thing. Low maintenance!

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