Monday, May 25, 2009

Sorry little Bloggy.

All my false promises, all my best intentions. And yet, I still neglect my blog. No celebrating blogaverseries, no comments. It's just so sad.

It's not that nothing is going on. I guess it's just that life got in the way.

I've had some stress at work, but that has almost been worked thru.

I joined the Photographic Society of America. But have yet to participate in anything. That's this week's goal. They've sent me some great emails about fantastic things that are going on. It's going to be awesome!

I also joined a local photography group: The Hampton Roads Digital Shutterbug Club. I went to my first meeting last week. They have so many events planned! Contests, Educational Programs, Critiques, Gallery Shows... it's exciting! I am looking forward to being a part of this fantastic group.

On the home front, T and I just bought a Scooter. All right, more accurately, a big ass Harley Davidson! That's what's been taking up a lot of our time! Every weekend we go riding. Down to the outer banks, over to Emporia... and today if the weather holds I think I'll get him to take me on a ride down the Colonial Parkway.

I guess that's the scoop from here. I will stop just short of making anymore empty sounding promises. So until next time...

1 comment:

Jayme said...

'All my false promises, all my best intentions. And yet, I still neglect my blog. No celebrating blogaverseries, no comments. It's just so sad.'

Very much agreed! I always promise myself to make at least several posts a week, only to find myself at the weekend with no posts and no new comments on any of my older posts!

Love, love, love the photos, by the way!